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Who are we choosing to become?

I think we look up to people and wish to become similar to them because we wish to live their lives. But do we want to become them or only have the part that they show that we wish we had? If we look up to someone, we look at their accomplishments and their actions, but how did they get to that point? Even if we want to become similar to someone else, I don’t think we’ll ever be able to. I believe our differences allow us to create our personalities and live the life we should so we can learn from whatever experiences we go through and pass on the lessons.

When we look up to our parents and we see who they are, as much as we sometimes say that we want to become them, or be similar to them when we grow up, I think we only want part of what they have. What I mean to say is that we wish to become like someone once they have shown us that they were able to achieve whatever they had in mind. Because the hardships they must have gone through might not be the ones we want to go through as well, and if we do go through them, well, you may not become the same as someone else who had a similar path as you. This idea of mine is hard to explain, and I hope I can somewhat explain myself.

What I want to say with all of this, is that, as much as we want to become someone else other than ourselves, I don’t think we can. I think we all go through our own experiences and become who we are meant to be. Our experiences and how we react to different situations are what make us unique. I also think that what attracts us to becoming someone else is the mere possibility that we have enough of whatever aspect that we admire of the other person. By the end of the day, we are attracted to two types of people in our life: the people we see ourselves in or people that have things we want (whether it be personality traits or tangible things). The people we see ourselves in are those that we can share our pasts with and feel understood and heard, and the people that have things we want can help us be motivated to get closer to obtaining them (if jealousy doesn’t interfere). But before choosing who we want to be, I think we should try and figure out why it is that we want them in the first place. So, I invite you to ask that question.


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