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Let's start with being a teenager...

Updated: Jul 29, 2020

Do you know what is so stressful as a teenager? To be constantly reminded of the future. Sometimes, you feel like drowning after realizing how many life-changing decisions you will be forced to take. Right now, I don’t know what to study and don’t even ask me WHERE. I feel lost, and maybe I want to stay like that for a while. I mean, time is just time…If I learnt something at school, how would I know if it is “relative” or whatever the fuk that means?

Sometimes, I wish for High School to be like in the movies. You know, where the not so cool guys are cool, where a song appears at every moment, where you have a cute bf or gf; you have enough time to uncover a mystery and school is not a big deal...I don’t know, but it sounds incredible.

Then I came to the never-ending discussion in my head that it is okay to feel lost, and remember that thinking about your future and rushing it is just not a good combination. Nobody knows what to do in their lives until they try it out, so there is no “correct” answer. There are undiscovered answers that are waiting, and you are the only one who can discover them. Don’t be drawn by the money or what other people say, be rightful with yourself and walk through YOUR path. So, forget about “You need to know by now is what you want to do for the rest of your life” and “You can’t fuk it up.” It is okay to be unsure, make some mistakes in the way, and 17-19 years of experience are not enough to determine what you want to do for the rest of your life...I mean, sure, the world can end before that, but you get the point (I hope).

So question yourself, and be open to new things and experiences that were not there before. It’s scary to grow up, because little by little, you start losing yourself. The good thing is that this process has a purpose. If you don’t fuk up at least once, you may not be able to find who you are. So, forget about always doing the right thing and to please others. No one knows what the best thing is for you except you! And if they told you something else, well, they are incorrect, because no one is sure of anything. Maybe High School is not a musical and is not as perfect as it seemed before, but trust me...We are all in this together.

We can find out the way, and the only important thing is not to be sure, but to be happy...which is a good topic, but for another time.


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