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High School, social pressure, and rushing into things

Updated: Jul 29, 2020

When you think about college and university, there are two ways that you can look at it: a fun place to learn, and hell - in other words. But let’s go back in time. High School, oh yes, High School. It is our best companion or our worst enemy. From the teacher’s we are with for the rest of the semester or the classes, we have for the school year. But stress, anxiety, social pressure, middle/high school relationships are some things that we don’t always like talking about because then we are considered a “drama queen” or even an “attention whore”. School is like a hate-love relationship. Now, I’ll tell you why… The things that we hate are homework, exams, projects, blah, blah, blah. And the things we love are the friend and relationships we make, our childhood best friends, our first romance story (not for everyone though, but it’s ok, the time will come), and for some the learning experience you obtain throughout those years. However, even those friendships can cause stress because of social pressure, and you can reach the point where subconsciously, you like doing homework because it keeps your mind busy and distracted from the drama and problems you don’t want to face… and it’s okay.

High School is not like in the movies. Sometimes you won’t have that friend group or that bf/gf you’ve been crushing on since elementary school, but other good things might come along. It’s up to you if you want it to go downhill or uphill. And, yes, it sucks sometimes, it really does. You shall cry, laugh, scream, wanna hit a wall, or even move out because of everything that is going on. And it really f#@k*!g sucks when your parents are “not there for you” - or at least that is what you might think. It even feels as if you can’t talk to anybody because you don’t want to be that “drama queen” and you don’t want to feel like a victim or even as if you were someone weak. You also don’t want to talk to anybody because you feel as is your friends won’t care (sometimes).

Although there are people that do care, and you are not alone. Sadly, that is just high school. Then, when you’re a junior or a senior, you start thinking about college and university. And that leads to thinking about ACT's, SAT's, TOEFL, tuition, scholarships, and many other things (if you want, we can add some tips that we have learnt for the exams, and looking for colleges and universities). I do recommend you start when you are a junior, but as you please. There are many options, and there is no need to rush things. Even though that is something that we have learnt, and I recommend you don’t do it because it can lead to doing some f#@k*d up stuff, it may be moderated but still, a bit too much for your age (whether it’s alcohol, drugs, clubs, sex, anything); do it at your pace, not just because everybody else is doing it. And it is true what they say: “The time will come” or “When the time is right, it will happen.” It’s accurate, and when you do rush something, you may not enjoy it as you might think. Remember the first shot you had or the first party you went to, the first club you got into or even the first relationship you had. Did you enjoy them, or did you rush into doing something because you didn’t want to feel left out? Because if it is that way, you just want to be like everybody else and not yourself. So, do you want to fit in or fit-out?


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