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If there is one thing that we need to realize is how we react and feel to different situations. We think things are going great, feeling as though we can keep pushing to the limit, but before we know it, we burn ourselves out. And sometimes, thinking that some things are going to make us feel better, may also affect us, because we may think that at that moment they will be a sort of instant gratification, but in reality, they may not be. For instance, we may turn to our sabotaging habits, or even see certain people that drain us without knowing that they do. As a person who enjoys spending time alone, I have this inner conflict that may lead to doubts about who I am socially. What I mean to say with this is that, I think being around people will help me, talking with others and expressing how I feel, thinking that everything is okay. But following up on the article I wrote last week, about sabotage (specifically self-sabotage), I realized that I sometimes enjoy spending time with other people, because it allows me to cover up some emotions by acting as though everything is okay, when in reality it may not be all sunshine and rainbows. I know it seems that I may come off as a negative person, and I am not, but I do want to say that realizing these little triggers or reactions that I have, being able to know when I need to recharge and rebalance myself to be the best version of myself, is both beneficial to me and the people that surround me. It is helpful to me because I understand who I am as a person, and it is useful to others because I realize how I can be the best version of myself around others and truly enjoy the moment for what it is and be present. It sometimes is hard to come to terms with these realizations that I have because I have been having several lately, but I am very thankful for them as they have allowed me to grow and simply learn from all that is around me.

But with all of this to say, the main realization I had this week was that facing that time alone, where we see how we truly feel and accept our emotions for what they are, takes a burden off our shoulders before it is too late and we feel burnt out. Being busy may not always be the best for us. We get so used to always doing things, even when we believe we are doing nothing, we constantly want this sort of intake in whatever is happening in our surroundings. But there are times when it is simply too much and even when we close our eyes, our mind keeps on going because it tries to process all that we have absorbed during the day. However, one thing that helped me this week to realize what I did was a man who said: we have all these thoughts during the day, and we sometimes fixate on some that we maybe shouldn’t be so focused on. But we need to be able to have our thoughts resemble the cars that pass by; where some catch our eye and we want to see them drive and analyze all its parts, while others will simply pass by and we won’t care much about them. We have to learn how to accept those thoughts for what they are (in this case, cars) and simply let them go instead of staying with them for too long, if not we may lose sight of that one thought (car) that may genuinely catch our eye and impress us.


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